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aria-describedby?: string

An optional additional aria-describedby id or ids to merge with the tooltip id. This is really used for things like notifications or when multiple elements describe your tooltipped element.

children: ChildrenRenderer | ChildElement

The children for this component should either be a function or a single element. When the children is a single React element, this component will clone in an id, aria-describedby, and all the event handlers required to show and hide a tooltip relative to that element. This means that you will need to ensure that the child component accepts and passes down the on* event handlers to a DOM node as well as the id and aria-describedby for accessibility. Every component within react-md should do this by default.

If the children is a function, the id, aria-describedby, and event handlers will be provided as well as a new tooltip prop so that you have more control over rendering the tooltip.

If the tooltip prop was not provided to this component, the aria-describedby and the event handlers will be omitted.

className?: string

An optional className for the tooltip

defaultPosition?: SimplePosition

An optional position to use before the positioning calculation has occurred. This is also used to determine if the position should be horizontal vs vertical.

Vertical - "below" or "above" Horizontal - "left" or "right"



dense?: boolean

Boolean if the tooltip is using the dense spec. This will reduce the padding, margin and font size for the tooltip and is usually used for desktop displays.

denseSpacing?: string | number

The amount of spacing to use for a dense tooltip. This is the distance between the container element and the tooltip.

disableAutoSpacing?: boolean

Since react-md provides mixins to automatically apply a dense spec through mixins via media queries, the dense spec might be applied in css instead of in JS. This component will actually check the current spacing amount that has been applied when the tooltip becomes visible.

If this behavior is not desired, you can enable this prop and it will only use the provided spacing or denseSpacing props based on the dense prop.

Note: This will be defaulted to true when the process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' since test environments normally don't have a default window.getComgetComputedStyle value that is not NaN which will display errors in your tests.

disableHoverMode?: boolean

Boolean if the hover mode functionality should be disabled for this instance instead of inheriting the value from the HoverModeProvider.

disableSwapping?: boolean

Boolean if the auto-swapping behavior should be disabled. When this value is undefined, it'll be treated as true when the position prop is defined, otherwise false.

disabled?: boolean

Boolean if the event handlers should no longer attempt to show a tooltip. This should be set to true when your component might not have a tooltip associated with it.


Real World Example

import type { ReactElement, ReactNode } from "react";
import { Button, ButtonProps } from "@react-md/button";
import { Tooltip, useTooltip } from "@react-md/tooltip":

export interface TooltippedButtonProps extends ButtonProps {
id: string;
tooltip?: ReactNode;

export function TooltippedButton({
}: TooltippedButtonProps): ReactElement {
const { elementProps, tooltipProps } = useTooltip({
disabled: !tooltip,
baseId: id,

return (
<Button {...props} {...elementProps}>
<Tooltip {...tooltipProps}>{tooltip}</Tooltip>



@since 5.1.0

focusTime?: number

The amount of time to wait (in ms) before showing the tooltip after a keyboard user has triggered a focus event. You probably won't ever need to change this value.

id: string

The id for the element that has a tooltip. This is always required since it will be passed down to the containerProps in the children renderer function. It is also used to generate a tooltipId when there is a tooltip.

lineWrap?: boolean

Boolean if the tooltip should allow line wrapping. This is disabled by default since the tooltip will display weirdly when its container element is small in size. It is advised to only enable line wrapping when there are long tooltips or the tooltips are bigger than the container element.

Once line wrapping is enabled, you will most likely need to set some additional padding and widths.

onBlur?: FocusEventHandler<HTMLElement>
onClick?: MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>
onContextMenu?: MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>
onEnter?: TransitionEnterHandler

This function will be called once the TransitionStage has been set to "enter".



onEntered?: TransitionEnterHandler

This function will be called once the TransitionStage has been set to "entering".



onEntering?: TransitionEnterHandler

This function will be called once the TransitionStage has been set to "enter".



onExit?: TransitionExitHandler

This function will be called once the TransitionStage has been set to "entered".



onExited?: TransitionExitHandler

This function will be called once the TransitionStage has been set to "exited".



onExiting?: TransitionExitHandler

This function will be called once the TransitionStage has been set to "exiting".



onFocus?: FocusEventHandler<HTMLElement>
onKeyDown?: KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLElement>
onMouseEnter?: MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>
onMouseLeave?: MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>
onTouchStart?: TouchEventHandler<HTMLElement>
portal?: boolean

Boolean if the portal should be used.

portalInto?: PortalInto
portalIntoId?: string
position?: SimplePosition

An optional controlled position to use that will disable the functionality to determine the "best" position to render the tooltip within the viewport.

spacing?: string | number

The amount of spacing to use for a non-dense tooltip. This is the distance between the container element and the tooltip.

style?: CSSProperties

An optional style for the tooltip.

temporary?: boolean

{@inheritDoc CSSTransitionHookOptions.temporary}

threshold?: number

This value should be between 0 and 1 and will be multiplied by either the viewport height or viewport width to determine the best position to render the tooltip based on available space within the viewport.

You probably won't ever really need to update this value.

tooltip?: ReactNode

The tooltip to display. When this is false-ish, the children renderer will always return null for the tooltip prop.

touchTime?: number

The amount of time to wait (in ms) before showing the tooltip after triggering a touchstart event. You probably won't ever need to change this value.

The default time is about the same it takes to display the context menu with a "long touch" and cancel displaying the context menu.

vhMargin?: number

This is the viewport height margin to use in the positioning calculation. This is just used so that the tooltip can be placed with some spacing between the top and bottom edges of the viewport if desired.

vwMargin?: number

This is the viewport width margin to use in the positioning calculation. This is just used so that the tooltip can be placed with some spacing between the left and right edges of the viewport if desired.

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