importtype{ ReactElement }from"react";import{ Divider }from"@react-md/divider";import{ TextContainer, Typography }from"@react-md/typography";import{
DesktopOnly,}from"@react-md/utils";import styles from"./MediaQueryComponents.module.scss";exportdefaultfunctionDemo(): ReactElement {return(<><TextContainer><MobileOnly><Typography>
This will only appear on phone and tablet screen sizes.
</Typography></MobileOnly><PhoneOnly><Typography>This will only appear on phone screen sizes.</Typography></PhoneOnly><TabletOnly><Typography>This will only appear on tablet screen sizes.</Typography></TabletOnly><DesktopOnly><Typography>
This will only appear on desktop screen sizes.
This section will gain different styles as the viewport increases. I
highly recommend opening the dev tools and seeing how the different
styles get applied and when some are completely removed to get a
better undertanding of the media queries.